Tuning Up Waterpower

“Almost every Canadian waterpower generator is preparing for the inevitable decarbonisation and electrification of the economy, and examining the opportunity to leverage as much additional capacity as they can from existing waterpower stations,” explains Anne-Raphaëlle Audouin, president of WaterPower Canada, the national trade association for hydroelectricity producers in Canada. “There are thousands of megawatts of potential new waterpower generation capacity waiting to be harnessed in Canada, just from refurbishing and redeveloping existing generation units and sites,” added Audouin. “The additional hydroelectricity produced can be delivered at a lower cost than most—if not all—other options for new supply.”

Learn more about how Canadian generators are optimizing infrastructure to send more power to the grid in WaterPower Canada’s piece in ReNew Canada Magazine.

National Conference2024 Canadian Waterpower Week

September 25-27, 2024 | The Westin Ottawa

This must attend event will bring together key decision makers, industry experts, policy and business influencers and offer opportunities to come together for an intensive, highly collaborative exploration of new technologies, best practices, and pressing issues, all to enable a collective change.

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