As Russia thrusts energy security into the spotlight, ramping up hydropower can help Canada secure a resilient economic future
A global pandemic. Climate-change-fuelled extreme weather. And now a devastating war that is disrupting energy markets and sending prices soaring. These colliding realities are forcing us all to reconsider what the future might look like.
Within this context, the federal government has just released its first Emissions Reduction Plan. This plan charts a new course toward achieving Canada’s 2030 climate change target and will shape how we produce and use energy. The plan includes measures to decarbonize electricity so that 90% is from non-emitting resources by 2030 and that it reaches net-zero by 2035.
The Russia-Ukraine war has renewed a spotlight on the importance of energy security, but it has been decades since we’ve given much thought to energy security in Canada. How we define it has evolved. Historically, the emphasis has been on whether a country’s energy supply is affordable and uninterrupted. In the face of a rapidly warming planet, another criterion has been added and must be emphasized: is that energy also “clean”?
Read the full op-ed by Patrick Bateman here: